05 December 2011

We prepared our soil.
We carefully planted our cabbages and marigolds.
Now we need to keep our garden watered and bug free!


  1. Dear Room 15,
    It looks like a hot day when you planted your cabbages. Have you been watering them? Did the marigolds help keep the bugs away? I think the bugs have been eating Room 16's garden too. I wonder how we can keep them off our plants?
    from Mrs McK

  2. Marigolds are a great idea... and they are pretty. I wonder if your cabbages will be ready to eat on our Harvest feast day ?


Term 3 Week 1

 Kia ora e te whānau.  Welcome to term 3. We have started the term with 3 new students, so we welcome them to our Room 15 whānau. This week ...