26 March 2018

Our visit to Hukanui Marae

We enjoyed our trip to Hukanui Marae last week. We travelled there in a bus, then were welcomed on to the marae, listened to speakers, saw the children from the Kohanga Reo perform a song, and got to visit the wharenui. 

Afterwards, we had morning tea and played games, then watched our Kapa Haka group perform, before we went back to school again in the bus.

Thank you, Whaea Robyn, for arranging our trip!

Here is some of our writing about our trip:

I went to the marae. By Abheyjot

I liked the marae. It was fun. By Maryam

I like the wharenui. The wharenui is cool. By Nio

We played at the marae. I like the wharenui. By Daniel

I liked the hongi because I liked to see my mum. By Chloe

On the marae I saw a house that had detailed carving. By Annabelle

I like the carvings. I like the whole wharenui. I like the wharenui because it has lots of carvings. By Levi

I liked the dancers and I played Duck Duck Goose and we went in the wharenui and we ate our food. By Zainab

I like walking inside the wharenui and I like the singing. By Olive

The marae was fun. We were learning about the marae and the Maori King. By Blake

I saw the man talking and we sang a song and I liked it. By Vienna-Lee

I liked going on the bus. The bus was bumpy. The bumps made it fun. I was bored of the waiting but when we got free time it was fun!!! By Lucas

The marae was fun. I played with Hugo. Then I played Duck Duck Goose. When I came I was excited. By Jace

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